Since 1994 we have been striving to make the world a better place. In addition to our standard business projects we are always involved in a wide variety of non-profit and volunteer projects. We are fiercely passionate about our work and constantly work to be proud of everything that we do.
“Creating a learning culture”
The principle of mature and responsible people in equal relationships and with equal possibilities is present in everything we do. We work in an environment where all team members have the same access to all information. Everybody knows all outcomes and company figures, and we jointly set out our company and individual goals, as well as salaries and bonuses. It is because we believe that open communication, trust and respect help mutual understanding and our involvement in achieving our common goals.
The principle of openness is applied also to delivery of our services. The prices for a training day are set as fixed and all clients are given the same rates (regardless of whether they are a small, local company or a large corporation). We believe that business can be done in a straightforward and fair way.
We constantly search for new approaches, principles and possibilities of development and, at the same time, we work also on our personal growth. We care about being better every day, even if only by a small step, and we try to convey our passion of development and learning to all people who are in contact with us. It is because we want people to perceive and understand the meaning and the value of self-development, learning, and improving. In everything we do, we strive to emphasise the expertise, competency, professionality and social responsibility.
We want the world we live in to be a better place. We cannot be content with the state of public education; therefore, we have decided to focus our energy in this particular direction. Through the non-profit project of Maxman University we lecture with passion and joy to students of various universities or colleges and help other non-profit organisations such as Pontis Foundation, Teach for Slovakia, Indícia or Nexteria.
Bringing Dan Ariely to Slovakia
purchasing an electric car so that we could drive to meet our clients in an environmentally-friendly way
Establishing the HRLeader award
Establishing the HRTalent Award
launching HRLeaders, a specialised HR conference
winning the AIVD award for the best educational project
winning the prestigious VIA BONA SLOVAKIA award in the area of corporate philanthropy
opening of Maxman Training Centre in Bratislava
launching of the Maxman University project
becoming a part of Persona Global Management Survey Network (USA)
becoming a member of the International Coach Federation (USA)
becoming a member of Slovenská asociácia koučov (Slovak Association of Coaches)
co-founding IPAD (Germany)
becoming a member of Performability Network (Netherlands)
co-founding Profesijné združenie zážitkového vzdelávania (Professional Association of Experimental Learning) (Czech Republic and Slovakia)
opening of our own outdoor training centre in Stupava
becoming a member of Infoteam Sales Process Consulting (Switzerland)
founding Maxman Consultants s.r.o.